Friday, March 30, 2012


Erik K. Christensen, danish painter, is one of my favorites.

His cityscapes from Copenhagen radiate nostalgia and understanding for life in the densily populated streets of Copenhagen. 
It is reminding me of vacations with my grandmother during the 50 – 60ies and Erik K. Christensen paints with great skill the atmosphere of yesterday. 
Enjoy his other paintings on

Erik K. Christensen er én af mine favoritkunstnere.

Hans motiv er ofte gadebilleder fra København, der udstråler nostalgi og god forståelse for livet i de tætbefolkede gader. Malerierne rammer den stemning, jeg kan huske fra mine ferieophold hos min bedstemor i København i 50 -60´erne. Det er virkelig en kunst at ramme en stemning og det mestrer Erik K.Christensen. Derfor synes jeg, I andre også skal have fornøjelse af at se Eriks malerier.
Kig selv på

Erik K. Christensen

Erik K.

Erik K. Christensen (from Tivoli, Copenhagen)

Erik K. Christensen

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


One of my latest paintings:

50 x 50 x 2 cm
Acrylic on canvas

Monday, March 19, 2012

Art Nouveau - Emile Gallé

Art Nouveau 

Another famous designer made some unique glasswork and furniture during this epoque. His designs  are much copied and reproduced in later artists production even today:
Emile Gallé
French glass maker, ceramist and designer is another important artist from this epoque. Fortunately, we can still admire his work at museums today. Victoria & Alberts Museum in London has important collections. 

Born in Nancy, France, in 1846, Emile Gallé is considered one of the most outstanding glass artists of his time, as he greatly contributed to the development of the art of glassmaking and to the Art Nouveau Style. 

The works of Emile Gallé had a major influence on the Art Nouveau movement. Clear and enameled or stratified, applied, engraved, acid etched or wheel-carved, his glass was very elaborate. Nature inspired his designs, which were mostly floral, some with foliage, or landscape decorations and some with a strong Japanese feeling. He developed a technique for the production of cut and incised flashed glass and enameled designs, enhanced by bright colors and transparency of the material.

Gallé made vases and lamps in two distinct qualities of glass: his "masterpieces", that took hours of precise work to make and his less expensive, though of high quality art glass, that would later be called "industrial Gallé".

Here are a few of his work:

Emile Gallé designed some very special furniture too:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The Arctic  is always  fascinating.
The Northern Lights are changing every minute and Nature and Colours are impossible to catch, even if you try again and again. 
Here are some of my paintings inspired of Greenland and Norway:

Greenland no 1 (Available)
100 x80cm, Acrylic on canvas

Greenland no 2(Sold)
100 x80cm, Acrylic on canvas

Greenland no 3 (Available)
100 x80cm, Acrylic on canvas

Greenland no 6 (Available)
60x60cm, Acrylic on canvas

 Northern Light no 4 (Available)
100x80cm, Acrylic on canvas

Sunday, March 4, 2012



exhibition october 2011
Pall Mall, London

shops, cafés

oct. 2011

Art is everywhere!
Knightsbridge, London

Pub in Knightsbridge, London

V & A Museum, London

Notting Hill on Market Day

Parallax ART FAIR, London
October, 2011

The exhibition takes place every year and curator is Dr. Chris Barlow. He had seen my website and invited me to participate. You can apply for participation and there are always many candidates.

I did not know the show and researched before the decision, but it was a great experience. There are always many nationalities and really exciting work.

We had a wonderful time in London - my daughter and I visited our favorite places, including V & A Museum with many exhibitions - Art Deco, Contemporary etc .

October, 2011

Udstillingen finder sted hvert år og kurator er Dr. Chris Barlow. Han havde set mine billeder på nettet og indbød mig til at deltage. Man kan også selv ansøge om deltagelse og der er altid mange ansøgere.

Jeg kendte ikke udstillingen og fik travlt med research før beslutningen, men det blev en stor oplevelse. Der er altid mange nationaliteter og virkeligt spændende værker, så jeg syntes, jeg var kommet i fint selskab.

Det blev en dejlig tid i London, hvor min datter og jeg genså vores yndlingssteder, bl.a. V.&A Museum med mange skiftende udstillinger, bl.a. ART DECÓ, nye og gamle mestre, som jeg interesserer mig meget for.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt
Art Deco - Art Nouveau

is the style I very much admire just now due to the composition, colors and elegant lines.

The style espressed itself  in painting, glass, furniture and architecture and can be seen in famous museums and collections, and a few places in 
still existing buildings.

In painting, there are many interesting names such as Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918), Austrian painter, member of the Vienna Secession group. His unique, colorful paintings of female bodies can still captivate us today.

Try to find some other exiting works from his production.

Art Deco - Art Nouveau

er den stil,  jeg beundrer i øjeblikket pga. komposition, farver og elegant streg.

Stilen satte spor i malerkunst, glas, møbler og arkitektur og kan ses i berømte museer og samlinger og stadig enkelte steder i eksisterende bygninger.

I malerkunsten er der mange spændende navne, f.eks. Gustav Klimt (1862 – 1918), østrisk maler, medlem af gruppen Vienna Secession. Hans enestående, farverige malerier af kvindekroppe kan stadig fængsle os i vore dage.
Forestil dig den furore, hans stil vakte, da han levede.

Prøv selv at finde andre spændende eksempler i Gustav Klims store produktion.