Thursday, March 1, 2012


Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt
Art Deco - Art Nouveau

is the style I very much admire just now due to the composition, colors and elegant lines.

The style espressed itself  in painting, glass, furniture and architecture and can be seen in famous museums and collections, and a few places in 
still existing buildings.

In painting, there are many interesting names such as Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918), Austrian painter, member of the Vienna Secession group. His unique, colorful paintings of female bodies can still captivate us today.

Try to find some other exiting works from his production.

Art Deco - Art Nouveau

er den stil,  jeg beundrer i øjeblikket pga. komposition, farver og elegant streg.

Stilen satte spor i malerkunst, glas, møbler og arkitektur og kan ses i berømte museer og samlinger og stadig enkelte steder i eksisterende bygninger.

I malerkunsten er der mange spændende navne, f.eks. Gustav Klimt (1862 – 1918), østrisk maler, medlem af gruppen Vienna Secession. Hans enestående, farverige malerier af kvindekroppe kan stadig fængsle os i vore dage.
Forestil dig den furore, hans stil vakte, da han levede.

Prøv selv at finde andre spændende eksempler i Gustav Klims store produktion.

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