An American tradition, unknown to me, living in Scandinavia.
It came to my knowledge by Marietta Gregg, Marketing-director at Patience Brewster, wellknown for their lovely Christmas-ornaments etc. Patience Brewster is a good example of a creative artist. Se her blog here.
In Scandinavia, we have no traditions for showing much interest in the artists behind the artworks.
But actually, it´s interesting to know what´s doing the trick:
- What´s making some people try to express themselves in painting, sculpture, ceramics, music, etc.?
- Why do children paint, draw? - And why do most of them stop as they grow up?
- Why do some carry on, devoting their time and energy to creating?
These are only some questions and it would be interesting to hear the opinion of artists.

My own story:
- As a child, my favorite play was drawing and painting from the early years.
My lovely grandmother always made sure, that I had the best tools, paintings and paper and they were very expensive in my childhood. At my 10th year, she gave me a correspondance-course, without telling about my age. That was my first art-lessons. - How lucky to have some people believing in you!
My best memories about Art were visits to the museums in London as a young girl. I could spend hours just looking at Turner and all the other great artists!
Still, the best moments for me are seeing a piece of art, which gives me a "kick"! - It might be an unusually combination of colours, which is talking to me!
Colours are my best friends. I never get tired of experimenting with new combinations. Here are a few of my paintings in my favorite blue:
Tuscany |
Öresund II
The first important thing happened to me, when the EU-committee invited me to an international celebration of the Year of Art, taking place in Budapest, Hungary. Then followed exhibitions in London, Bologna, Italy and of course frequently in my native country Denmark.
The second important thing was to see the possibilities of the internet, connecting people without limits.
It´s a great joy for me to be able to send my paintings to collectors worldwide. It makes me so grateful, when a person finds pleasure in my work.
Favorite themes: Environments are important to all of us and, frequently, I return to this theme:
Civilization vs. Nature Village in Greenland Icebergs in Greenland
Another favorite theme of mine. The beauty of flowers are so exquisite and a real challenge for painters and I frequently return to painting them, because it makes me happy. Flowers-paintings are often
not regarded as ART. In my opinion it´s a motive in it´s own right, because it gives so much pleasure.
Nothing wrong with being decorative! - Here are a few of my paintings:
 Flowers in Red
Flowers in Violet Flowers in Blue/White
At last, but not least, I do think artists have a mission in our modern world!
Artisst are trying to make people reflect on problems in gazing at artwork.
Here is one of my own favorite paintings, which has had many comments:
I´m so very fortunate in living in a peaceful part of the world!
This was the story behind my work.
I hope, others artists will tell us their story!